These scrap fabric acorns are a great way to upcycle scrap fabric left over from other projects. I shared a pin cushion version of these a couple months ago and had a lot of requests to turn them into a garland and ornaments, so here are the instructions to do so! These fabric acorns are made using real acorn caps and stuffed with wool batting. If you don’t have any wool you can substitute with any other stuffing– really tiny pieces of scrap fabrics make great stuffing! Most of these fabrics are vintage remnants that I’ve saved over the years. These are very similar in process to the walnut shell pin cushions.

– acorn caps
– scrap fabric
– core wool batting
– needle and cotton thread
– drill or something sharp to create the holes in the acorn caps
– glue

Instructions to make scrap fabric acorns
Step 1: How to cut and sew your fabric
Cut circles out of your scrap fabric that are 1-2″ larger than the diameter of your acorn caps. My circles are about 2.5″ in diameter for medium sized acorn caps. Sew a running stitch around the edge of your circle by running your needle up and down through the fabric at a regular distance. When you reach the end (where you began your stitch), pull the thread to cinch. Stuff with wool batting (or any other stuffing) and double knot to secure.

Step 2: Add holes to your acorn caps
Create two holes in the top of each acorn cap. I’m using a drill to make the holes but you can also use an awl, push pin or end of a sharp knife.

To make an acorn garland:
Use a needle to string twine through the acorns caps at an equal distance. Glue each acorn inside the acorn cap to attach. Let dry completely.

To make acorn ornaments:
Use a needle to thread your twine through the holes, tying on the underside of the cap to hide the knot. Glue each acorn inside the acorn cap to attach. Let dry completely.

@woodlarkblog little acorn ornaments and a garland made with scrap fabric. The stitch used is a basic running stitch and the fabric is glued into the acorn top. #DIY #holidaycrafting #diychristmasdecor #treegarland #acornornament #upcycling #sewingprojects #lowwaste #cottagecorechristmas

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