These stick nature looms are easy to make and you can make them in a variety of sizes. We collect a lot of nature items each season and we’re always looking for ways to display them! We typically add flowers during spring/summer and leaves during autumn. When adding flowers I either let them dry on the loom or I display them for about a day before removing and pressing them. I recommend using sticks that are 1/4” to 3/4” in diameter. The first time we made these looms was last year during Elliot’s 2nd birthday party, and we love making new variations for each season. They hold up well and can be reused over and over, season after season.

– 4 sticks (I used ones that were 1/4” to 1/2” diameter)
– cotton or jute twine
– craft glue or hot glue gun
– nature items for weaving (leaves, sticks, bark and flowers with long stems work well!)
Instructions for Making the Nature Weaving Loom
Step 1: How to make the loom frame base
Lay your sticks out in a square shape and secure each corner with glue. Let glue dry. Tie the sticks together at each corner by wrapping the twine one way diagonally, then again the other way. Finish each corner by tying a knot in the back.

Step 2: How to finish the nature loom
Choose an end to start at and attach the twine with a knot. Begin wrapping the twine across the frame, going back and forth in a criss-cross pattern (also looping around each side once during each pass) until you get to the other end. Secure the end of the twine to the end of the frame.

Step 3: How to use your nature loom
You’re finished! Collect nature items such as leaves, twigs, feathers and flowers with long stems. Weave them into your loom between the rows of twine.

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