Looking for the easiest no-sew costume idea?! You can make this DIY bee costume using extra fabric, recycled cardboard and clothing that you already own! Making Elliot a Halloween costume is something that I look forward to every year— remember…
DIY Cardboard Seed Mosaic Ghosts
Bean and seed mosaics are still a favorite craft in our household, and it’s always one that I recommend when someone is looking for something easy to do with their children. We made our annual leaf ghosts last week, so…
DIY Leaf Ghosts and Leaf Bats
Every year we end up with an abundance of autumn leaves lying around and crafting with them during Halloween is something that our family looks forward to each year! This post is an update to the Halloween activity blog post…
Favorite Autumn Nature-Based Children’s Books for Fall
Here are our favorite autumn nature-based children’s books that will be in our seasonal book basket this fall! We will be using a lot of these books as resources during our nature homeschool lessons and a few of them are…
How to Pin and Preserve Butterflies and Moths for Display
We love finding new specimens to add to Elliot’s nature collection. They’re a great resource for his nature studies and I’ve really enjoyed refining my process of preserving specimens over the past couple of years. I have a bit of…
Our Autumn Homeschool Rhythm
Autumn for us is deeply rooted in ritual, and is without a doubt my favorite season. As we transition into this next season as new full-time homeschoolers, establishing a new type of rhythm has definitely brought lots of comfort and…