Making pumpkin fairy houses is our favorite Halloween tradition, and this year we asked you guys to join in on the fun by submitting pictures to us for us to share by using the hashtag #pumpkinhousemeadows. We absolutely loved seeing everyone’s renditions and are excited to share these wonderful and creative pumpkin fairy house ideas so that you can create your own. If you are looking for the original tutorial on how to make your own DIY pumpkin fairy house from last year, that blog post can be found here and you can see a video of our version this year at the end of the post. Welcome to Pumpkin House Meadows, a magical make-believe community of pumpkin homes nestled deep in the woods. It’s a quaint little community full of fairies, gnomes and woodland creatures and everyone knows their neighbors. They pay tribute to the earth by living sustainably— only ever taking what they need from nature, drying their clothes under the sun and growing their own food in their gardens. It sounds lovely, doesn’t it? Let me show you around!

The first house that you’ll pass by in the meadows belongs to the sweetest little rabbit family. They were the first ones to build their home here in the meadows, and when they arrived they loved the land so much that they told all of their friends about it! As the founding family of Pumpkin House Meadows, they take pride in caring for their community and land. You can always count on them for a fresh pot of acorn tea.
How to make rabbit’s pumpkin home: Cut an opening out of a pumpkin for your door and windows. We used a cinderella variety pumpkin for this one, but any type of pumpkin will do. Add details to the windows and a ladder for the doorway using the instructions from this post. Add accents to your house using natural materials such as moss, pinecones, seed pods, preserved mushrooms and sticks. The little tea set is made using California black oak acorns which we collect every year.
Multiple story pumpkin houses and duplexes
You must absolutely stop by the bake shop– the fairies that run it make the most amazing bread. It’s located on the north side of the meadow, nestled between several multiple story homes and duplexes that are home to larger families.
How to make a two-story pumpkin house:
Choose a pair of pumpkins that compliment one another in size and that can be stacked easily. Cut an opening out of each pumpkin for a door and window, and add a ladder or ramp to the opening. Add natural materials to your home.

Photo Credit (left to right):
top: @kchysmith | @jolettejune
bottom: @onwillowsbend | @candez23
Pumpkin houses with unique architecture
If you enjoy seeing unique architecture, we have several heirloom-variety homes that you can visit! They’re quite charming and are home to magical fairies and creatures of all sizes!
How to choose an heirloom pumpkin for your fairy house: To create a similar house, look for a unique heirloom variety of pumpkin or winter squash. Your local farm is a good place to look for one! Some of our favorite heirloom pumpkin and squash varieties are Cinderella, Lumina and Turban.

top: @nitabetina | @cinkomoon
bottom: @nata.horinkova | @thewondercabinet
Pumpkin houses with flower window boxes
It smells wonderful here, doesn’t it? If you have a chance to visit the south side of the meadow, you’ll see rows of homes with beautiful window boxes full of flowers. The weather is quite mild here and flowers bloom year-round. The meadow is especially beautiful during spring during wildflower season!
How to make a window flower box:
You can create a window flower box for your pumpkin house using sticks, pieces of bark, thin pieces of wood or cardboard! Glue all of the sides together and attach them to a bottom piece before glueing them below each window. Add fresh flowers or moss in each box.

top: @mamma_splash | @lafemmeflorale
bottom: @rmgocker | @mama_and_her_saplings
Pumpkin houses with outdoor gardens
The best part about the meadows is undoubtably the magical scenery. Keep an eye out for little pumpkin homes amongst the moss and tucked in between trees. If you’re lucky you’ll catch a glimpse of a fairy tending to their garden beds!
How to create a garden: Create a lush green landscape around your pumpkin house using any natural materials that you have or can collect outside. We love adding moss, dried leaves, pinecones, rocks, twigs and wood slices to create a forest around our house. Sprigs of fresh greenery and outdoor furniture made of branches and acorns are also a nice touch!

top: @cassie.baeseman | @thewhimsydays
middle:@sunnymariemorris | @troutandheron
bottom: @thomasalm3ida | @wildlyraised
Pumpkin houses with swings
Care to go for a swing? If so, you’re in luck! You’ll find plenty of houses with them here and any of the friendly neighborhood critters would be more than happy to give you a push!
How to make a swing: Choose a small flat piece of bark or a twig to use for the seat. Attach two knotted pieces of twine on each side and secure with glue. Create a stand for it using two sticks– Lean one stick on the side of the house for support and secure the other side of the stand (the stick that is standing up vertically) to a base using glue or airdry clay.

middle: @elizabethgrace.88 | @courtney.champion
bottom: @mamazobbostribe | @lilolauwie
Pumpkin homes for magical creatures
Pumpkin House Meadows is home to lots of magical fairies, creatures and critters. It’s a tight-knit community and everyone knows their neighbors. Don’t forget to wave hello if you see anyone passing by. Everyone here is really friendly!

top: @fairytaleparades | @mon_ecole_a_moi
middle: @emilyforbesjenkin | @crapnapchronicles
bottom: @elensoleil | @mikenzijones
Pumpkin Homes with Twinkling Lights
Planning on staying with us until nightfall? I really hope that you decide too! That’s when all the magic happens, and seeing the meadows lit up as a spectacle of lights all at once is really something else.
Lighting recommendations: LED battery operated tea lights / copper string lights

top: @chasingwindmillskids | @lala_earth
bottom: @bethanyjoyshaw | @ciderandhoney
I hope that you enjoyed your time here at Pumpkin House Meadows and that you’ll visit us again next year! Thank you to everyone who participated and submitted pictures for this project and allowed us to feature your work! And don’t forget to check out the rest of the houses in #pumpkinhousemeadows on Instagram. I’ll continue to share submissions in my stories on my Instagram account until the end of October.
Jessica says