These walnut shell pin cushions are a great way to upcycle all of those small fabric scraps that you have leftover from other projects. I’m always looking for ways to turn scraps into something useful. These pin cushions are made using real walnut shells and stuffed with wool batting. The natural lanolin in the wool is great for your pins and needles and will keep them shiny and rust-free. If you don’t have any wool you can substitute with any other stuffing. These are darling and would be great given out as gifts or as a part of a sewing or mending kit!

– walnut shell halves
– scrap fabric
– core wool batting
– needle and cotton thread
– glue
Instructions to make walnut shell pin cushions
Step 1: How to cut and sew your fabric
Cut circles out of your scrap fabric that are 1-2″ larger than the length of your walnut shells. My circles are about 2.5″ in diameter for walnut shells that are about 1.5″ long. Sew a running stitch around the edge of your circle by running your needle up and down through the fabric at a regular distance.

Step 2: How to assemble the pin cushion
When you reach the end (where you began your stitch), pull the thread to cinch. Stuff with wool batting (or any other stuffing) and double knot to secure. Place inside of your walnut shell with a dab of glue.

@woodlarkblog walnut shell pin cushions made with scrap fabric. The stitch used is a basic running stitch and the fabric is glued into the shell. #DIY #upcycling #scrapfabric #fabricscraps #sewingprojects #lowwaste #zerowaste #waldorf #cottagecore

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